Contact Us
Contact Us
We’re happy to help. Simply write us, give us a call, or send an email.
Hoosier College and Career Academy
HCCA Administration Building
5650 Caito Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46226
Enrollment/Program Inquiries (toll-free): 855.798.9784
Administrative office: 317.495.6494
Registrar: 463.900.5321
Fax: 317.454.0670
Email: [email protected]
To report an absence and/or to submit documentation:
Submit the attendance form:
Phone: 463.900.5001
Email: [email protected]
Media Inquiries
Are you a member of the press or public relations community?
We have a dedicated email address to serve your needs: [email protected]*
*This email is not for student record submission or transcript requests.