How It Works

Credit Recovery Program

Does your student need help getting back on track?

Your student’s success is our first priority. Whether they’re behind on credits or didn’t pass a subject the first time, our credit recovery program is uniquely designed to help them catch up.

A Flexible and Efficient Approach to Credit Recovery

Our online credit recovery courses:

  • Use new approaches to teach unlearned concepts
  • Allow students to move past material they’ve already mastered
  • Let students test out of the material they’ve already learned and focus strictly on what they need to learn to pass

Because of this approach, students can often stay on top of their current classes while catching up. Or, they can take credit recovery courses during special summer sessions.

Course Features

Students can demonstrate mastery on assignments and tests thanks to:

  • Content always being available, so students can refer back to previous lessons
  • Pre-recorded audio and pre-teaching of vocabulary to prepare students for content in each unit
  • Engaging interactive content and tutorials to address hard-to-learn concepts
  • Helpful assessments that provide ample practice before students take exams
  • Individualized instruction from certified teachers

There is also support for English language learners, who can have the text read aloud.

Credit Recovery Course List


Social Studies


Language Arts


World Language